Latest created materials

Manipulative activity to work on the identification and evocation of colors, using cards with cut-out pictograms associated by color. It can be worked individually or collectively, as a game.

interactive presentation in which a model of a certain color is presented that the child must choose to form a sentence

Material to work on identifying colors and vocabulary of fruits and vegetables.
Material manipulativo para aprender los colores del arcoíris en inglés, incluye fichas para escribir los nombres asociándolos a su grafía y juego tipo memory para trabajar la interiorización de los co
Mobile calendar (available in Spanish, Catalan, English and French) valid for the years 2018 to 2029. It is also available in upper and lower case. To build it, you must follow these steps: 1. Print

Manipulative material for color discrimination (red, yellow and green), numbering and sum initiation, in a fun and playful manner.