TEACCH Materials: Colors

Manipulative activity to work on the identification and evocation of colors, using cards with cut-out pictograms associated by color. It can be worked individually or collectively, as a game.
Download the resourceManipulative activity to work on the identification and evocation of colors, using cards with cut-out pictograms associated by color. It can be worked individually or collectively, as a game.
Download the resourceSet of boards and related pictograms to work on visual discrimination, lexicon and semantics through the classification and categorization of an object, item or appliance in the room that corresponds
Manipulative material to work on behavior and self-control through the discrimination and identification of appropriate/inappropriate behaviors in different daily situations
Set of boards and pictograms to work on visual discrimination, lexicon and semantics through the classification and categorization of each food, object or tool in the right place.
TEACCH-type manipulative material composed of a bingo with the most relevant elements of each of the seasons of the year and a conceptual map of the seasons of the year to work on different concepts r
Manipulative material for color discrimination (red, yellow and green), numbering and sum initiation, in a fun and playful manner.