The four seasons
Scheda da colorare sulle quattro stagioni + scheda singola per ogni stagione con quattro parole chiave
Download the resourceScheda da colorare sulle quattro stagioni + scheda singola per ogni stagione con quattro parole chiave
Download the resourceBingo on the most representative elements of the four seasons of the year with nine cells in each of the cards to be able to work on the basic vocabulary of each of them. We can use the material indiv
TEACCH-type manipulative material composed of a bingo with the most relevant elements of each of the seasons of the year and a conceptual map of the seasons of the year to work on different concepts r
Daily agenda as routine / warm up (what day is it today? what month are we in? what season are we in? what are you wearing? what is the weather like today? how are you today?)
Vocabulary reference book with pictograms and graphics, for learning English. Especially indicated in bilingual education. It includes the topics that are worked on on a recurring basis in each course