Pictograph Signs for Playground Equipment

Pictograph Signs for Playground Equipment

These signs are an Australian English translation of the original 'Plaques with ARASAAC pictograms' used for the cognitive accessibility project for parks and kindergartens in the city of Badajoz. Each of the play equipment structures that make up the park has its own sign, which gives instructions to children on how to use it and the rules to follow. These plaques were produced by the Inclusive Badajoz Association www.facebook.com/BadajozInclusivo/ and are part of the Project "Pictography of the city of Badajoz". "Pictography of the city of Badajoz" is a project that encompasses different sectors of the city, both public and private, carried out by the Badajoz City Council and the Inclusive Badajoz Association, which aims to facilitate the inclusion of people through the use of pictograms that identify public spaces. Through this project, the understanding of the immediate environment, easy and safe movement in public spaces, access to information and participation in community life of all people as full-fledged citizens are promoted.

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